Photo Shoot With Workingline Images

Although the launch of the Dog & Field brand of dog food happened back in May I have only just gotten around to writing a post about it so apologies about that.... The process of setting the dog food range was an exciting one and albeit sometimes frustrating and hard work, the prospect of such a project was never going to put me off. One of the most fun aspects of the entire process was the photo shoot for the bag label designs and advertising literature. A trip to spend a morning with the talented Caroline at Workingline Images was planned and when that morning came it saw a dank and wet start to the day. We decided to go ahead as planned and although the outside shots may not have been possible, Caroline has a lovely hay loft which suited nicely for what we were trying to achieve. I arrived at Workinghline HQ and was greeted by Caroline and the offer of a much needed cup of coffee whilst we pondered over what it was we wanted to achieve. A friend of Caroli...