The Breckmarsh Gundog Teams Lucky 7!!!

This week we visited Lee and Victoria at the Breckmarsh Kennels to discuss our Christmas Plans. While we were there we went out to look at Lee's latest litter of pups and I asked him how he starts the initial training with them. I was intrigued to see how Lee starts training his young dogs and hopefully pick up a tip or two. With many of us having brought new pups this year, including myself, a little one-to-one training from Lee was never going to hurt! This is what Lee had to say: “The training equipment you choose to use with your dog is a matter of preference really, but there are a few key items that we use at Breckmarsh Gundogs , which we find work well for a variety of situations and training levels. 1) Generally, we start with a tennis ball. We encourage our young dogs to retrieve a tennis ball with the emphasis on working towards a calm delivery. There are occasions during training, however, when an alternative to a ball, such as the Dog ...