The long evenings are here and we want to get some prime puppy time in. Our new best friends, our puppies, are keen to be with us so why not get your place board out and start your basic sit and stay training. Rewarding them all the way. Also get your training dummy at the ready for those little m oments of extra fun when you can throw out a cheeky dummy and see IF they will retrieve and get back on your trusted board! This is just the start and can be just 10 minutes a day. OUR TOP 5 TIPS... 1. Do not wait to train your puppy. Do not wait for the behaviour problems. 2. Get the place board in asap – it helps with sit from an early age and is great to get your pup to focus and to stay for their praise and their treat. Ava loves hers! 3. The place board will also be key in the long term with delivery and looking up and focusing upon you. 4. Dogs love to be rewarded for good behaviour! Never Stop this, keep eye conta...