The Weekend That Saw The Trialling Community Come Together

The weekend that saw the trialling community come together. So the sad news has filtered down the grapevine over the last few weeks, Richard Preest a well thought of man who has been an asset to the trialling community for the last decade has had a severe stroke paralysing him from the neck down, leaving him unable to speak and in a very uncertain way in hospital. Starting his own line of Centrewalk cocker spaniels and reaching the heights of a championship win in 2016 Richard has had a lot of success with the cockers, namely FT Ch Centrewalk Daydream, Moonshell, Sweep and Piccolo. Richard hasn’t been shy in donating his time to judge trials and being an avid member of his local gundog club, Bristol and West Working Gundog Society, he is well liked among his peers. Now we all see each other’s post on social media, a like here and a like there, the odd comment but I’ve never seen everyone come together actually as a community for something. Don’t get me wrong we will share the ...